I am fairly new to using and configuring IIS. This is the first 4.0 asp.net application that I am trying to deploy on IIS. I am using IIS 7.0 on a 2008 windows server service pack 2. My application works fine until I try to use the SSL certificate. I get a "Internet Explorer Cannot Display the Webpage" and "The Connection was Reset" in Mozilla. I worked with 2 other co-workers to try to trouble shoot this. Since this is working just fine in our TEST and QA instances, we compared all of the IIS settings to our PROD instance. Everything for the most part looked to have the same settings. We also verified that the bindings had a certificate associated with it. When we viewed the SSL certificate settings, we also made sure that it stated that we had the private key associated with the certificate. My coworkers also did a telnet to make sure that the port was available and listening. When looking in Server Manager, we couldn't find any meaningful error messages. Is there some way to tell if the certificate is bad? Is there anything else that you can recommend to look at since my coworkers do not have any other ideas? My deadline is fast approaching so I would appreciate any assistance that you can provide me with! Please let me know if you need for me to provide you with any other information.