I am fairly new to IIS and webdav but I have had great success setting up a simple webdav share and administering it, but now I need help with some advanced setting.
Quick info:
OS: Windows 2008 R2
Servers: server1.domain.com server2.domain.com
Both servers are in the same AD but at separate locations.
My main goal is that the front end server server1.domain.com will host most of the shared folders, but some folders will be hosted at server2.domain.com
So for example server1.domain.com/folderA will redirect to server2.domain.com/folderA.
server1.domain.com/folderA ->server2.domain.com/folderA (some folders will be hosted on server2)
server1.domain.com/folderB->server1.domain.com/folderB (no redirection, some folders will be hosted on server1)
So that when a client connects to server1 and whants to access the files at server1.domain.com/folderA it will be redirected by server1 and insted connect to server2 . That way no traffic will go through server1 to reach server2.