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Possible to Install IIS 32-bit on Windows 7 64-bit


I was wondering if it is possible to install IIS 32-bit on a Windows 7 64-bit machine.  I have an application that runs perfectly on IIS on Win7 32-bit.  It doesn't run on Win7 64-bit even though I have enabled 32-bit apps on the AppPool.  It does run on IIS Express 32-bit on Win7 64-bit.  I was thinking of trying this if it is possible.

FTP with User isolation



I have the following folder structure:



And following users:






should be accessible to users CompanyUser1, PartnerUser1, PartnerUser2


should be accessible to CompanyUser2


should be accessible to CompanyUser2 and ParnterUser2

To my understanding this can be achieved by turning on User Isolation and setting it to "FTP home directory configured in Active Directory" since home folder names are not the same as usernames.

I am struggling to configure attributes msIIS-FTPDir and msIIS-FTPRoot correctly, how they should look in this case?

After creating FTP website for \\FS\ftproot do I need to create application for each subfolder?

Graphics Server Documentation or User Guide


I got a very old Classic ASP code which is running on windows server 2003 the code has lines something like GSDSVR.GSServerProp and GSSERVER.GSServerProp. After some research I found that this is some kind of Graphic Server Component to generate chats or graphics, but I am unable to find any example on how to use it.

Block of code I have-

Set GSObject("Bar") = Server.CreateObject("GSDSVR.GSServerProp")

  GSObject("Bar").URL = Graphics_URL

  ... more stuff ...

  GSObject("Bar").Height = 291
  GSObject("Bar").ClipGraph = 1

  Tmp_FileName = GSObject("Bar").DrawGraph()

The code generates chart(s) based on some data, Now I want to achieve this using .net.

The problem I am facing is I don't know what is happening in code I just know the out of the code.

Can anyone please help me with documentation or few examples for this graphic server component?

Server CPU usage 100% during machine performance test.


Server CPU usage 100% during machine performance test.

I had tested the server machine performance. cpu usage was high 100%.
I'm using database pool of 32~64 count
I can't understand that situation.

I called simple page below.

*. page description(Pseudocode)

  string strRet = Database Call Result

*. Test Server specifications
CPU : INTEL Xeon CPU E5-2407 2.20GHz (4 process)
OS : Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit
IIS : 7.5
Test Tool : MS Web Application Stress Tool

*. Test Result
Number of hits:               51140
Requests per Second:          2591.51

Socket Statistics
Socket Connects:              51202
Total Bytes Sent (in KB):     15750.62 Bytes
Sent Rate (in KB/s):    798.16
Total Bytes Recv (in KB):     11936.00
Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s):    604.85

Socket Errors
Connect:                      0
Send:                         0
Recv:                         0
Timeouts:                     0

Script Settings
Number of threads:            1000
Test length:                  00:00:20
Warmup:                       00:00:00
Cooldown:                     00:00:00
Use Random Delay:             No
Follow Redirects:             No

Page Summary
Hits      TTFB Avg  TTLB Avg  Auth      Query    
51140     356.96    356.96    No        Yes

The simple page was responded requests per second that about 2591.
just only one called response time is 0.00156s ~ 0.002s.

I added thread count of stress test tool.
but, I got the same result(requests per second)

I can't understand that result...
Why cpu usage 100%?
Why doesn't the throughput increase despite increase thread?
What is cause that bottleneck?

Thank you for reading.Smile

IIS keeps asking for username and password


I am hosting some sites with windows authentication on IIS 7.5. Everythign was working fine but recently some of the sites started asking for user name and password multiple times. And even after providing the credentails user get following message:

401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.

I have not re-published the site. So i assume there is some setting on IIS is been changed. Please suggest.

IIS Secure Web service+ using it as proxy server for development environment


Will it be possible to access the web service as per my need, I  need to use my local machine's IDE for development and use another machine as proxy server to make call to web service hosted through other IIS server.

App pool recycle settings (Private Memory usage) causing the app pool to crash


We have an ISAPI extension developed in C++ running under IIS 7.5. We have created new app pool to server the incoming traffic. 

I was exploring the recycle settings for app pool under IIS and tried with Private memory usage. I configured the app pool to recycle if the usage goes beyond 50 MB. When I send heavy load to the site, the limit is reached and app pool sends signal to IIS saying the I reached the private memory limit. But before IIS can take any action, it crashes the app pool.

After going through event viewer, I saw that app pool sent 5 signals to IIS saying that I have reached my memory limit set, and then crashed. Looks like in this case Rapid-Fail Protection setting kicked in and took the app pool down.

Is there a way where I can configure app pool to send only one signal to IIS when it reached it's Private memory set limit?

Issues accessing drupal externally and cannot change port


I set up drupal using the Microsoft platform installer, and it set me up with the "WebMatrix".  If I go into websettings and change the port to anything other than the default 25577, the web page will fail to load, internally or externally.

Also, if I use SSL, it uses port 44300, and I cannot seem to make this standard.

Lastly I have forwarded port 25577 in my router and I cannot see the webpage, I receive:

Bad Request - Invalid Hostname
HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid.

And I cannot seem to get it to go away.  Some guidance would be great! I would love getting this website running on port 80, or 443 if the software will let me.

Elmah not working on webPages with custom errors enabled


Cannot get Elmah to work with custom error pages enabled. There is nothing to be found for webPages, but some stuff of MVC.

In the following thread there is talk about

You need to remove the default global

from App_Start\FilterConfig (or Global.asax), and then set up an error page in your Web.config:

Is the HandleErrorAttribute applicable to webpages and where would I find it. It is not in App_Start and I don't have a Global.asxa.


iis sec_error_unknown_issuer error



for some reasons , i am hosting a web application on my own computer  wich is running on win2k3 and iis6,

the website  is available via dyndns adress .

in some computers it works fine, but in others it shows me a sec_error_unknown_issuer error and say thnigs about certificates/ssl and such  ...

1 - what this means exactly ?

2 - how to fix that ?

thanks and good day

Adding serviceautostartprovider via code (in applicationHost.config) C#


I  would like to know how to add serviceautostartprovider's entry in applicationHost.config file.

I would like to register my custom Preload client. I know how to edit and register manually. But I need to do it via code. Are there any APIs for doing that.  I would like to add this code:

<serviceAutoStartProviders><add name="RegisterApplicationHandler" type="X.RegisterApplicationHandler, X"/></serviceAutoStartProviders>

Because for setting "PreloadEnabled" and other attributes, it is possible via code.

ASPX page via IIS REWRITE uses aggresive caching



We have a site which uses IIS REWRITE to convert .aspx pagenames into .html names.
But now we have a problem with caching.

When you view the page directly without using the rewrite module:
http://bladmuziekwijzer.nl/easywebcms/modules/contact/default.aspxYou can see the right page (including the IBAN number in the center of the page)

But, when the IIS REWRITE module is activated via this link:
http://bladmuziekwijzer.nl/page/contact.htmlYou see the old data (without the IBAN number).

These are the concerning rewrite rules.
        <rule name="Pages">
          <match url="^page/([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+).html" />
          <action type="Rewrite" url="EasyWebCMS/Modules/pages/default.aspx?page={R:1}" appendQueryString="false" redirectType="Permanent" />
        <rule name="Contact">
          <match url="^contact" />
          <action type="Rewrite" url="EasyWebCMS/Modules/contact/default.aspx" appendQueryString="false" redirectType="Permanent" />

Does anyone know how I can fix this issue?
Output caching in IIS is disabled.
We use IIS8 on WIndows 2012

IIS 8 Splash Page for Stopped Site


Hi everyone,

If I stopped a site in IIS 8, I am getting the IIS 8 splash page. I would prefer to get an error page so that my load balancer receives something other than a 200 OK if the site is stopped.

I am trying to find out why it is configured to show the IIS 8 Splash page for stopped sites, when I would prefer the site throw an error of some sort.

Any help would be appreciated.


FTPS with IIS8 with proprietary FTP client


I have been trying to setup a FTPS server on Windows 8 running IIS 8 (8.0.9200.16384) to test a proprietary FTP client that runs in an embedded system. The SSL policy is "Require" for Control Channel and "Allow" for Data Channel. The client is able to establish a successful SSL connection (using TLS1.0 protocol) after AUTH TLS command(this is IMPLICIT, but i tried explicit as well with same results) .  The FTP commands ( USER, PASS, PBSZ and PASV ) get proper response.  But once client sends directory list command, the SSL connection for data channel is not established.  The TCPIP connection is successful (from Wireshark traces), Client sends a "Client Hello" packet and does not receive a response.

I have tested this FTPS server with Filezilla client and client gets directory listing.  So there is no firewall problem here, i guess.

I have tested the FTPS client with FileZilla server on the same PC and the directory listing is successful.

At root level, the Data Channel Port Range is set to 1025-65535.

I have captured WPP logging from FTP server and relevant lines from log is as below.

StartDataChannel SessionId={d255b1cf-2ca8-471c-9ea7-e746bb848c9d} | ClientIPAddress=10.xx.x.xx | ClientPort=40869 | ServerIPAddress=10.xx.xx.xx | ServerPort=1030
CloseCtrlChannelFail SessionId={d255b1cf-2ca8-471c-9ea7-e746bb848c9d} | ErrorCode=0x80070102 | SubStatus=CTRL_IDLE_TIMEOUT
CloseDataChannelFail SessionId={d255b1cf-2ca8-471c-9ea7-e746bb848c9d} | ErrorCode=0x800704D4 | SubStatus=NONE

All Client and Server are within same network, so NAT translation problem is not the issue.

Filezilla client works with same server, so no firewall problem as well.

I have not tried active mode FTP has the client does not support it.

Using Application Initialization for warming up WCF service



We are currently using AppFabric Auto-Start feature for warming up applications that contain WCF web services.

Since this is the only AppFabric feature we are using and we are upgrading to IIS  8.0, we would like to use the Application Initialization instead.

1) Would be happy to know if there are any known differences between these solutions.

2) I was able to set up initialization for the example project: http://www.iis.net/learn/get-started/whats-new-in-iis-8/iis-80-application-initialization. But when I set the same settings for my WCF service there is no warmup. I think this is because the warmup is done by issuing a request tohttp://localhost/MyService/ and this doesn't actually reach the service. I need the warmup request to be done tohttp://localhost/MyService/Service.svc - is there a way to configure this?


Error on installing IIS 8 in windows 8



I setup IIS on my windows 8 machine. When I access the http://localhost site, I get the below error. Any step I am missing here ?

To setup the IIS I just activated the feature from "Turn On and Off windows feature"

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.WebPages.Deployment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Line 85:             <assemblies>
Line 86:                 <remove assembly="System.Web.WebPages.Deployment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />
Line 87:                 <add assembly="System.Web.WebPages.Deployment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />
Line 88: <add assembly="mscorlib" /> Line 89: <add assembly="Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />

The trace says this :

WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].

Virtual Directory


I am trying to access a folder that exists on a filesserver from a website.  They web user will need full read, write, and the ability to create new sub folder on this virtual directory.  I have created a virtual directory and used the default connection and I get a permission denied error.  I have also tried to use a domain user as the connection to the virtual and still get the permission error.  I have also created a local user on the file server, granted them permission to the folder, but when I try to use this connection in the virtual directory I get the message that the password is incorrect.

Is this possible, or do the files have to be kept on the same server as the web site?

IIS only Working Locally except for default site


IIS is only Working Locally except for default site works by IP

IIS only Working Locally except for default site

well i setup @ for my domain thisisknuckles.com  in dns zone file which is correct

the IP is pingable but doesnt load my site... what could be wrong??? port 80 is open firewall is off and this server is in a datacenter.

Anyone who can figure this out will get free web hosting from me on my linux server.



Problem to transfer integrated windows authentication from IE to the web site page through an ARR



We have a problem to transfer integrated windows authentication from IE to the web site page through an ARR.

We have:

1. Web Site, which is configured on my development PC (Windows 7 x64, IIS 7.5). PC name is MyServer, DNS name is MyServer.company.lan: 1.1. Web Site authentication settings: - Windows Authentication = enabled (Extended Protection = Off; Enable Kernel mode-authentication = checked; Enabled Providers = Negotiate, NTLM) - Basic Authentication = enabled - ASP.NET impersonation = enabled (Identity to impersonate = Authenticated user) - Anonymous Authentication = disabled 1.2. Web Site AppPool: - Managed  Pipeline Mode = Integrated - .NET Framework = 4.0.30319 - Identity = MyDomain\MyPoolUserAccount (have all access rights including impersonation) 1.3. Test page /1.aspx: < %@ Page Language="C#"%> UserName=<%=System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name%>

2. ARR (Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5). Server name = ARR0, DNS = MyARRServer.company.lan: 2.1. Default Web Site AppPool: - Managed  Pipeline Mode = Integrated - .NET Framework = 4.0.30319 - Identity = Network Service 1.3. Default Web Site URL rewrite rules: < rewrite>   <rules>     <rule name="MyServer" stopProcessing="true">       <match url="test1" />       <action type="Rewrite" url="http://MyServer/1.aspx" />     </rule>   </rules> < /rewrite>

3. Domain controller run in 2003 compatibility mode.

4. SPN settings on MyServer: setspn -F -Q */MyServer Checking forest DC=company,DC=root CN=MyServer,OU=CompanyOffice,OU=Computers,DC=company,DC=lan         HTTP/MyServer.company.lan         MSSQLSvc/MyServer.company.lan:SQLEXPRESS         TERMSRV/MyServer        TERMSRV/MyServer.company.lan         RestrictedKrbHost/MyServer         HOST/MyServer         RestrictedKrbHost/MyServer.company.lan         HOST/MyServer.company.lan setspn -L MyDomain\MyPoolUserAccount Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=MyPoolUserAccount,OU=Services,OU=Soft,OU=Special,DC=company,DC=lan:        HTTP/MyServer.company.lan         HTTP/MyARRServer         HTTP/MyARRServer.company.lan

Simple test. Run IE on MyServer, go to http://MyServer/1.aspx and get: UserName=MyDomain\MyAccount. Everything is OK.

ARR test. Run IE on MyServer, go to http://MyARRServer/test1 and get IE security dialog "Connecting to ARR0...", MyDomain\MyAccount and ask me to enter password. NOT OK. Enter password, but this dialog appears again.

If I disable Integrated Windows Authentication in IE and use basic authentication, then http://MyARRServer/test1 gives me correct result: UserName=MyDomain\MyAccount.

What's wrong with my configuration and settings to use ARR with integrated windows authentication on the web site?

I used http://blogs.msdn.com/b/asiatech/archive/2011/10/26/iis-7-kerberos-authentication-failure-krb-ap-err-modified.aspx to do this settings, but no success.

Installing different version of DNN from Webmatrix


I want to install the latest DNN version 7.3.4, however the current version Webmatrix installs is 7.3.2.  Is there any way to get Webmatrix to install another version?

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