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Problem with tomcat 7 + IIS +ARR



I've set up IIS 7, tomcat 7.0.35 with jdk1.0.6.

Trying to upload a java application, and following step by step lot of guides like: http://www.iisadmin.co.uk/?p=326&page=2 steps:

  1. Install JDK
  2. Install tomcat (Not zipped one, installable tomcat)
  3. Download Web platform installer and install ARR module (with dependencies url rewrite, etc)
  4. Create web site in IIS manager (bindings port 80 used by IIS and dedicated ip)
  5. Enable ARR proxy 
  6. Modify application pool in order to use application pool identity
  7. Enable directory browsing
  8. Adding default document (index.jsp) used by my application

This are steps that I followed. Don't know if I should create server farm, honestly, don't know what it is for.

Now, going to iexplorer or google chrome, in url bar, if I type www.mydomain.es or mydomain.es, not supposed to redirect to my application?
Anyway i tried to create a rule in url rewrite, because i want that if the user put www.mydomain.es or mydomain.es in browser bar it redirect
to www.mydomain.es/application. Tried too with http redirect but none works. This is the following error code:

Error HTTP 403.14 - Forbidden
El servidor web está configurado para no mostrar una lista los contenidos de este directorio.
(The web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.)

Información de error detallada
Módulo DirectoryListingModule
Notificación ExecuteRequestHandler
Controlador StaticFile
Código de error 0x00000000
Dirección URL solicitada http://www.comercialanma.es:80/
Ruta de acceso física D:\XVRT\comercialanma.es\Html
Método de inicio de sesión Anónimo
Usuario de inicio de sesión Anónimo

Can you help me? I spent three days reading forums but nothing...

Sorry if my english is bad... :)

Thank you very much guys :S

Right click .aspx page and Browse does not work


Hi all

When I rignt click and select Browse on the Default.aspx web page it does not work. I have to go to the fodler level and select  Browse to open the applciaiton.

I am having a problem because the web application then fails.

File access over WebDAV - IIS 7.5 WS2K8 R2



WS2K8 R2 web server running webDAV. User home dirs and shared drives setup as virtual directories and then converted to applications under one website.

So I have top level folder, then user home folders or top level folder and shared dirs.Users then map a drive or add a network location from home through to the relevant folder secured using SSL.


It appears that the NTFS permissions on the folders are being overruled by the permission set in IIS to access the folders. I.E. set as users read/write in IIS at top level folder to allow them to connect but this also allows them to access other peoples folders. If I set read only they cannot write to their folders.

In server 2003 version I had an identical setup and this problem did not occur and NTFS permissions would kick in.

Anyone have any thoughts as to why this might be?


Classic ASP sending mail not working as planned


I hope this is the appropiate forum to post this question.

I can't figure this out and have spent many hours and days doing research trying too!

I have a recipe database using Access on my wesite. All works fine with the exception of an option my users have, to email a friend a link to the recipe that they are viewing.

Clicking on (Email this recipe) opens a window (Sending recipe to friend) that allows them to enter their name and email address and the name of their friend and and email. Beneath these form fields is a text box that is populated with the recipe's name and the link to it. Click send and a conformation that it has been sent appears.

It's received by the person it was sent to with a copy going to the sender---but---the email is mostly blank? The subject line of the email is there and a greeting---Hello (the name of the person the message is sent to), ---This message was sent from: (address of my domain xxx.com.) and, You received this from (sender's first name and their email address) that's it!

There is no link to the recipe and the greeting that was in pre-populated form field on the send recipe page.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated,  John V.

Here is the page---

'+ World Recipe, Dexter Zafra
'+ Reconfigured by Good Cooking, Inc. 2010

<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" EnableSessionState="false" EnableViewState="false" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Mail" %>

<script language="VB" runat="server">

  Sub Page_Load(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
      Dim strUrl as string = "http://www.goodcooking.com/recipe/recipedetail.aspx?id=" & Request.QueryString("id")
      Dim strName as string = Request.QueryString("n")
      Dim strCat as string = Request.QueryString("c")
      Dim strBody As String

      strBody = "Hi," & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
            & "I thought you might be interested in this recipe I found at www.goodcooking.com: " & vbCrLf _
            & "Recipe Name: " & strName & vbCrLf _
            & "Category: " & strCat & vbCrLf _
            &  vbCrLf
      txtMessage.Text = strBody

    End If

  End Sub

  Sub btnSendMsg_OnClick(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)


    Dim Messagesnd As New MailMessage
    Dim sndingmail As SmtpMail
    Dim strHello as string

    If Page.IsValid() Then
      strHello = "Hello " & toname.text & "," & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _

      Messagesnd.From    = txtFromEmail.Text
      Messagesnd.To      = txtToEmail.Text
      Messagesnd.Bcc     = "entree@goodcooking.com"
      Messagesnd.Subject   = txtFromName.Text & " has emailed you " & Request.QueryString("n") & "recipe"
      Messagesnd.Body    = strHello & txtMessage.Text & vbCrLf _
        & "This message was sent from: " _
        & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "." _
        & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
        & "You received this from :" & txtFromName.Text & " - " & txtFromEmail.Text & "."

      'SMTP server's name,localhost or ip address!
      sndingmail.SmtpServer = "localhost"

      Panel1.Visible = False

      lblsentmsg.Text = "Your message has been sent to " _
     & txtToEmail.Text & "."
    End If

  Catch ex As Exception

            HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<b>AN ERROR OCCURRED:</b><br>" & _
                               "<br>" & ex.Message & "<br><br>Your web server is not configured to use email component for sending an email. Contact you system adminstrator.<br><br><p>Please <a href='mailto:entree@goodcooking.com'>e-mail us</a> providing as much detail as possible including the error message, what page you were viewing and what you were trying to achieve.<p>")


     End Try

  End Sub


<title>Sending Recipe To a Friend</title>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "css/cssreciaspx.css";</style>
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
<form runat="server">
<table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="40%">
<br />
<div align="center"><h2>Sending <%=Request.QueryString("n")%> Recipe to a Friend</h2></div>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="100%">
    <td valign="top" align="right" class="content6"><b>Your Name:</b></td>
      <asp:TextBox id="txtFromName" size="25" cssClass="textbox" runat="server" />
      <asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server"
        id="validNameRequired" ControlToValidate="txtFromName"
        cssClass="cred2" errormessage="* Name:<br />"
        display="Dynamic" />
    <td valign="top" align="right" class="content6"><b>Your Email:</b></td>
      <asp:TextBox id="txtFromEmail" size="25" cssClass="textbox" runat="server" />
      <asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server"
        id="validFromEmailRequired" ControlToValidate="txtFromEmail"
        cssClass="cred2" errormessage="* Email:<br />"
        display="Dynamic" />
      <asp:RegularExpressionValidator runat="server"
        id="validFromEmailRegExp" ControlToValidate="txtFromEmail"
        cssClass="cred2" errormessage="Not Valid"
        Display="Dynamic" />   
    <td valign="top" align="right" class="content6"><b>Friends Name:</b></td>
      <asp:TextBox id="toname" size="25" cssClass="textbox" runat="server" />
      <asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server"
        id="validFriendNameRequired" ControlToValidate="toname"
        cssClass="cred2" errormessage="* Name:<br />"
        display="Dynamic" />
    <td valign="top" align="right" class="content6"><b>Friends Email:</b></td>
      <asp:TextBox id="txtToEmail" size="25" cssClass="textbox" runat="server" />
      <asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server"
        id="validToEmailRequired" ControlToValidate="txtToEmail"
        cssClass="cred2" errormessage="* Email:<br />"
        display="Dynamic" />
      <asp:RegularExpressionValidator runat="server"
        id="validToEmailRegExp" ControlToValidate="txtToEmail"
        cssClass="cred2" errormessage="Not Valid:"
        Display="Dynamic" /> 
    <td colspan="2">
      <asp:TextBox id="txtMessage" cssClass="textbox" Cols="50" TextMode="MultiLine"
        Rows="9" ReadOnly="True" runat="server" />
      <br />
    <asp:Button id="btnSend" cssClass="submit" Text="Send Recipe"
      OnClick="btnSendMsg_OnClick" runat="server" />
<div style="text-align: center;" class="content2"><asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl="JavaScript:onClick= window.close()" class="content2">Close Window</asp:HyperLink></div>
<br />
<br />
<asp:Label cssClass="content2" id="lblsentmsg" runat="server" />



Using LogParser from C# - Extract_Path errors



I am trying to use LogParser from a C# .NET 4 console application and have it working for nearly all of what I wanted but I now need to get just a list of URLs back with a count of hits for each of them.

When I run my query through LogParser in the native command-line way then it works and I get my results, when running the SQL query through my C# app however, I get an error back as below:

Error: CLogQueryClass: Error 80f20650: Execute: error parsing query: SELECT clause: Syntax Error: unknown field 'EXTRACT_PATH(To_Lowercase(cs-uri-stem))' [ Record field does not exist. ]

My query is as below (yes, I know it is a long query)

Select STRCAT(EXTRACT_PATH(To_Lowercase(cs-uri-stem)), '/'), Count(*) From E:\IISLogs\ex121004.log where cs-uri-stem not like '%.gif' and cs-uri-stem not like '%.jpg' and cs-uri-stem not like '%.jpeg' and cs-uri-stem not like '%.class' and cs-uri-stem not like '%.css' and cs-uri-stem not like '%.inc' and cs-uri-stem not like '%.shtm' and cs-uri-stem not like '%.shtml' and cs-uri-stem not like '%.js' and cs-uri-stem not like '%css.asp' and cs-uri-stem not like '%toolbar.asp' and cs-uri-stem not like '%/!G/%' and cs-uri-stem not like '%/!G_%' and cs-uri-stem not like '%!WIP%' and cs-uri-stem not like '%default.asp' and cs-uri-stem not like '%default.htm' and cs-uri-stem not like '%.gif' and cs-uri-stem not like '%robot%' and cs-uri-stem not like '%cgi-bin%' and sc-status < 400 Group By STRCAT(EXTRACT_PATH(To_Lowercase(cs-uri-stem)), '/')

how to remove double slash or multiple slashes (different than trailing slashes)


What rule(s) can be created to prevent/convert a double slash or multiple slashes to just a single slash?

For example...

I want www.domain.com//about to become www.domain.com/about

I want www.domain.com///about to become www.domain.com/about

Please note the following:

-  This request is different that just wanting to remove a trailing slash

-  If there is nothing trailing www.domain.com, I do not want the rewrite code to automatically add a slash and become www.domain.com/

inetinfo.exe TCP port 3127


We have several IIS 6.0 instances installed on our network on Windows 2003 servers.  On one of our particular instances we noticed "inetinfo.exe" was listening on all addresses on TCP port 3127.

Does anyone have any insight on what this port does?

Gallery Server Pro installs but 'login' and 'search' buttons do nothing


I've installed Gallery Server Pro on my local Windows 8 system and I can view the sample image. BUT, the 'login' button is dead (does nothing) and the 'search' magnifying glass button is also dead (does nothing.)

I examined the devault page using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and I see a 'form1' runat=server. But I can't find form1 anywhere in the source, so I have nothing more to look at for debugging.

Internet Explorer Cannot Download; Error Message When You Use an HTTPS URL to Open an Office Document or PDF File


Hi everyone,

I've recently migrated our ASP.NET 32-bit web sites from IIS6 (Win2003 32-bit) to IIS7.5 (Win2008 64-bit). Some of the users using Internet Explorer (8 and 9) are having problems downloading reports from SSL connection as described in (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316431). So far the only workaround I have found to work is uncheck the 'Do Not Save Encrypted Files' option in IE (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/812935). But this would require updating the web browser setting for 100s of users.

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the setting on IIS7.5 to fix this problem?

Using fiddler this is a snippet of the headers

Request Header


    Cache-Control: no-cache

Response Header


    Cache-Control: private, no-cache="Set-Cookie"

Any assistance would be much appricated

IE double postback hangs IIS 7 in Integrated Managed pipeline mode when session is accessed


Here's my environment:
IIS7 on Win 7, .NET 4, App Pool Integrated


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><configuration></configuration>


<%@ Page Language="C#" %><!DOCTYPE html><script runat="server">
        protected void OnAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int count;
            status.Text = (int.TryParse(status.Text, out count) ? count + 1 : 0).ToString();
            Session["test"] = count;
        }</script><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head runat="server"><title>IIS Session Hang Test</title><script>
            var mutiPostback = function () {
                var e = document.getElementById('LinkButton1');
            };</script></head><body><form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"><asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="SM"></asp:ScriptManager><asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"><Triggers><asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="LinkButton1"/></Triggers><ContentTemplate><asp:Label runat="server" ID="status" /></ContentTemplate></asp:UpdatePanel><input type="button" id="button1" onclick="mutiPostback();" value="MultiPostback"/><div style="display: none"><asp:Button ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" OnClick="OnAction" Text="Click" /></div></form></body></html>

Yes, the multiple postback is intentional, we notice this behavoir will cause many request stuck in RequestAcquireState and ultimately prevent any new requests being accepted by the server. However, this problem is only observable under IE (IE6 ~ 9) and not on Chrome or FF.

Here's a screen shot of how the hanged request look like in request list for worker process.

Stuck Requests

Now we have found a few ways to get around this problem, but none are acceptable in our situation:

1. Remove/Comment out Session usage.
2. Change app pool to Classic mode.

NOTE: we also found that even if we don't directly use Session as shown in the example, the problem still occurs. IE: if we add a Global.asax.cs and add an empty Session_Start event handler, the request will still hang in RequestAcquireState.

Does anyone have a clue why this is happening and how can we resolve this issue that only seem to happen in Integrated managed pipeline mode?

IIS 7.5 app pool domain account issue


I've been having problems with a dev server and I hope someone could shed some light on this.

MVC 4 .Net 4.5 app, challenge/response only, no impersonation, on an IIS 7.5 box using an AD domain service account as the app pool account targeted at that application only.

I'm trying to connect to SQL server on a separate box using the app pool account (domain\account). The account is registered in security for SQL and the relevant databases and applied to various stored procedures within those databases. Basically a standard set up that I've done a good few times before.

It just won't connect, as it keeps trying to use the machine$ account which I don't want to use. It won't even connect if I put a user id and password in the connection string and I'm now stumped. Has anyone got any pointers to solve this? Help much appreciated.


Edit to add: if I add use my account as the app pool identity account I get straight into the database, but of course that's not much use.

Oh.... windows identity is the app pool account (domain\account), user identity the logged requesting user

WPI 4.5 Installation Loop



whilst trying to install "ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2" the installer advises me of an updated WPI installer version 4.5

Clicking "I Accept" clears the dialog and the installer churns for a few seconds and then reproposes the update advice again.

This goes on until I "Decline" and the installer launches but doesn't find the product that I'm trying to install (which is presumably in the 4.5 version)

Thanks for any help you can provide.

here is the log:

DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from: https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9819333
DownloadManager Information: 0 : https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9819333 responded with 302
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Cache-Control: private
Content-Length: 174
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Expires: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 12:55:35 GMT
Location: http://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/4.2/webproductlist.xml
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
Set-Cookie: MC1=GUID=71721e37e0381941b58675e2f40473a7&HASH=371e&LV=20132&V=3; domain=microsoft.com; expires=Sun, 03-Oct-2010 07:00:00 GMT; path=/
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 12:56:34 GMT

DownloadManager Information: 0 : Updated WebPI available
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Upgrade: Will offer the option to upgrade to WebPIv4Upgrade
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Upgrade: Launching WebPI upgrade
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Content-disposition header: attachment

ISAPI Extension does not run


I am pretty sure I am missing something obvious.

I have an ISAPI Extension that is running fine in IIS 6.0.  However, in IIS 7 it is not running at all.

In IIS at the server level I click "ISAPI and CGI Restrictions".  I set the path to the dll and click the box 'Allow extension path to execute".  Next, I go to the site and click "Handler Mappings".  I add a wildcard script map and set the dll in the executable.  I edited the feature permissions and gave it 'Execute'.

If I navigate to that site the extension never executes.  There is no error in any Windows logs or anything.  I have done a lot of searching and it seems a fairly easy and straight forward set up.

Massive Redirect Project


I'm new to IIS 7 and also URL Rewrite Rules.  I've been playing inside the are and have found how to create a new blank rule and have done so without an issue.  My biggest confusion/issue is how to create a rule correctly that will save me heaches down the road.

I took over an IIS machine that was previous setup with 40+ sudbomains on the box.  With the new IIS server that I'm transitioning to, I want to create URL Rewrite rule that will take this page for example http://examp.mypage.io/test/index.asp and rewrite it to http://www.mypage.io/examp/test/index.asp.  I would like to use a wildcard to catch any folders or pages in that directory and then redirect them to the new sections homepage.

Example:  http://examp.mypage.io/test/index.asp would redirect to http://www.mypage.io/examp/

Thanks for any help.

SMTP load balancing?

I've setup ARR as a single point of entry for a farm of 6 Jive servers. That runs really nicely! Now I'd like to catch SMTP traffic to the Jive servers on this single point of entry and load balance that as well. I'm afraid this may not be achieved using IIS and/or ARR, but maybe it does? Or can another built-in feature of Windows 2008 Enterprise help me with this?

Debugging .dmp file with Visual Studio 2010


Hi, I have a dump file from an mvc4 web api that is pretty much crashing the w3wp.exe process (the bits are based off a debug build).  I started diag debug diag to get the .dmp and there are parts of the .net stack .html summary for the crash report of the .dmp file that reference some of my methods which are probably suspect including a cacheing object as well as a db context that are somehow crashing due to systemobject dispose (something is going out of scope when I reference something..either cache or db context or both).  It makes sense that those items are contained in the list summary of the .html .dmp report but they really don't tell me where the code is throwing.

With the .dmp file at hand when I try to load it within Visual Studio to Debug and link back to source code I get the following errors:

  • Debugging inforamtion for w3wp.exe cannot be found or does not match. Symbols loaded (source information stripped).  Do you want to continue debugging?

  • Unhandled exception at 0x000007fefdc3cacd (KERNELBASE.dll) in w3wp__MyApp__PID__36504__Date__02_14_2013__Time_04_32_57PM__276__First chance exception 0XE0434352.dmp: 0xE0434352: 0xe0434352.

I have the Debug/General "microsoft symbol servers" checked to presumably down any necessary symbols and linkage.  However, when I continue and break after the last error, there are no references to my code within the call stack or the Debug/Windows/Paralell Stacks but I dont' see any of my classes or object called or spelled out.  All is see are offsets and the disassembly with a carret as the break point at some "mov" operation.

ASK: How can I link this .dmp to the exact line of code that is throwing?  Thanks!

Reverse proxy server - 502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.


We have a Reverse proxy server which directs the requests to load balancer.

When we access the site whih points to reverse proxy server we are getting the below error message;

502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.

There is a problem with the page you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. When the Web server (while acting as a gateway or proxy) contacted the upstream content server, it received an invalid response from the content server.


Please let me know how to resolve this error?




Evaluation Computer To Produce Analytical Results of Exams & performances


I have looking to develop a computer to produce analytical results of any students & evaluate their performances through out the session. I wish to stop cheating & unfair means used by the students during exams. This might be done using software but I wish to develop a hardware for this purpose.

IIS Remembers Settings after Deleting and the Recreating Application


We have been attempting to re-deploy a web application (lets call it 'HelloWorld') to our production environment. If the application is deployed to the current application folder, the application fails to run. But, if we create a new folder (call it 'HelloWorldTest') the application works without an issue. We can even create multiple copies of the same application and each of them will run.

When we remove the application, application pool, and application source code and then redeploy, the application fails to run. During the reployment, there are a few minor changes that needs to occur in the application configuration. When we open the applcation configuration in IIS manager, it still contains the same settings as prior to us deleting the application. It appears the settings are still remaining. We have restarted the website, IIS, and even the server between removing and recreating the application. The issue only occurs if the application is named the same as the original application. Has anyone encountered this issue?

WPI starting error



on starting WPI i've got the error: "Ungültiges XML-Element" (it means "Invalid XML-element")

after this the WPI is closing

What can I do?

Here is my log-file:

DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from: file:///D:/Downloads/UmbracoCms.WebPI.6.0.0/manifest.xml
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Failed to load the feed 'D:\Downloads\UmbracoCms.WebPI.6.0.0\manifest.xml' after preprocessing, location on disk: 'C:\Users\eitel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\preprocessor\644668928.xml.err'
DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error loading downloaded product file: 'System.InvalidOperationException: Ungültiges XML-Element: Im Element "feed" fehlt das erforderliche untergeordnete Element "id".
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFeedId(XmlElement rootElement, XmlNamespaceManager nsm)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFromXmlInternal(LineInfoDocument xmlDoc, Boolean loadEnclosures)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFromXml(LineInfoDocument document, Boolean loadEnclosures)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFromXml(String xmlFile, Boolean loadEnclosures)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.Load(Uri productFileUrl, Boolean filterByArchitectureAndOS, Boolean loadEnclosures, Boolean useCachedVersion, String cacheDirectory, Architecture architecture, Int32 majorOS, Int32 minorOS, Int32 majorSP, Int32 minorSP, Int32 osType)'
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Failed to load the feed 'D:\Downloads\UmbracoCms.WebPI.6.0.0\manifest.xml' after preprocessing, location on disk: 'C:\Users\eitel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\preprocessor\644668928.xml.err'
DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error loading product file: System.InvalidOperationException: Ungültiges XML-Element: Im Element "feed" fehlt das erforderliche untergeordnete Element "id".
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFeedId(XmlElement rootElement, XmlNamespaceManager nsm)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFromXmlInternal(LineInfoDocument xmlDoc, Boolean loadEnclosures)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFromXml(LineInfoDocument document, Boolean loadEnclosures)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFromXml(String xmlFile, Boolean loadEnclosures)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.Load(Uri productFileUrl, Boolean filterByArchitectureAndOS, Boolean loadEnclosures, Boolean useCachedVersion, String cacheDirectory, Architecture architecture, Int32 majorOS, Int32 minorOS, Int32 majorSP, Int32 minorSP, Int32 osType)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.Load(Uri productFileUrl, Boolean filterByArchitectureAndOS, Boolean loadEnclosures, Boolean useCachedVersion, String cacheDirectory)
   bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductServiceImpl.LoadProducts(String primaryFeed, String[] feeds)

Greetings from Germany

Marko Eitel

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