Ok, I'm trying to save some time here by getting some general starting directions. I'm going to play pretty dumb so that my knowledge does not get me into trouble because it surely has holes. I'm sure there are things that I don't know that I don't know, so I'm starting with the base explanation of what I want to do.
We have our main website, which would just be www.example.com
Then we have an online store that would be store.example.com
But we have a series of domains that we want to use as the front for that store.
For example... we would have superstorexample.com, superstoreexample.net, ssexample.com, ssexample.net
We would want our customers to use the shorter urls... so ssexample.com would be the preferred url.
From what I gather, I would need to do the following....
ssexample.com -> url rewrite for store.example.com
ssexample.net -> url rewrite for store.example.com
superstoreexample.com -> url rewrite for store.example.com
superstoreexample.net -> url rewrite for store.example.com
Now, in our ecommerce backend we can set up some "friendly" urls for some things. So, for our demo, we would have...
But we want all the other domains to be able to do ssexample.com/demo, ssexample.net/demo, etc, and have all of them work.
Is this possible? I imagine it is. Or maybe a better way would be to have them do a redirect to the 1 preferred domain?
Thanks for any help.