Hopefully this will save someone some time.
I had a problem of when receiving a package in webdeploy how do I know what version of webdeploy it is created in?
In the created zip look in: systemInfo.xml
This gives something like when created from msdeploy v3:
systemInfo buildVersion="7.1.1631.0" msdeployVersion="1.0" processorArchitecture="x64" machineName="xxxxx" winDir="C:\Windows" osVersion="6.1"> -<iisSystemInfo iisMinorVersion="5" iisMajorVersion="7">
Now confusingly the parameter msdeployVersion="1.0" is not msDeploy Version 1.0 at all. This caused me a moment of panic that prompted this post and a reinstallation of msdeploy v3 on a fresh machine.
You need to look at the the buildversion parameter here.
buildVersion="7.1.1631.0" is Msdeploy version 3 (the current latest build)
Googling around there are other versions.
Which I presume are version 2 and 1 respectively. Maybe someone from the webdeploy team can confirm.
Hope that helps someone.