I want to create a development configuration using IIS with a self assigned client cert. Therefore, I've created a cert for a ca, a crl and a cert (including the OID for Client certs) as well as a private key for the client. IIS uses a server-side SSL-cert I've created using IIS Manager. I installed this stuff within the Windows certificate store: The client cert/ private key is now located within Local Machine/My Certificates; the ca-cert and the crl are located within Trustworthy issuer (don't know if that is the correct translation, I'm using a German Version of Windows 8).
This configurations works fine for:
- a Windows 7-Instance
- a Windows 8-Instance that is not connected to an AD running within a VM
But it does not work with my
Windows 8-Instance, that is connected to an AD
How can one avoid this problem without dealing around with the AD-Administration?