My web farm hosts several web sites, with multiple applications in their own application pools (30+ app pools). At the server level I have Advanced Logging configured to log to 'D:\Inetpub\logs\AdvancedLogs' with daily logging. If it helps, the log definition is listed below:
<logDefinition rollLogFileOnConfigChanges="false" writeLogDataToDisk="true" baseFileName="%COMPUTERNAME%-Server" logRaiseTraceEvents="false" enabled="true" logRollOption="Schedule" maxDurationSeconds="86400" maxFileSizeKB="1024" schedule="Daily" publishLogEvent="false">
The issue I have is currently I have 49 log files created each day, all in the 'D:\Inetpub\logs\AdvancedLogs' directory. The files are labeled like this:
When I need to troubleshoot an issue on one of these servers how can I determine which log file is for the web application I'm trying to look at the logs for? Is it possible to simply have one log for each site? I tried specifying a different logging directory for one of the sites but it had no effect.
I like the Advanced Logging module, it lets me filter out the heartbeat requests from our load balancer but it's such a mess trying to get the data from it I'm at a cross roads where I may have stop using it and re-enable the default logging method if I can't simply the file management.