I was able to use the mp4ToSmooth task from .net like this: http://pastebin.com/UmW2ZmED
but the smoothToHLS task dont give me as much options. Can anybody help me how can i initialize this task to work? :
Microsoft.Web.Media.TransformManager.SmoothToHLS.SmoothToHLSTask tsk = new SmoothToHLSTask();
tsk.Initialize(Microsoft.Web.Media.TransformManager.JobStatus.Unknown, Microsoft.Web.Media.TransformManager.IJobMetadata, Microsoft.Web.Media.TransformManager.ILogger);
I need a way to provide that iJobMetadata somehow.
I also need a method to apply the playready encryption on a smooth stream but i didnt even found a namespace for that.
Maybe ther is a way to make it work with imputing xml task definitions somehow but i couldnt figured it out how yet.
Thanks for the help.