I have a broblem with Microsoft WebDAV. I don't know is it a server problem or a client. But want to help the Microsoft to resolve this problem. The problem is in the next. When I am copeing file from some local folder to WebDAV folder everithing is good,
but when opening file (from WebDAV mounted drive) in a some editor, modify file from time to time and press Save button from time to time - changes didn't came persistent on a target WebDAV server. I used Windows 2012 Server with IIS and embedded into it WebDAV
as a Server and a Winodws 8 Enterprise as a Client (both last Microsoft products)
I can provide RDP access to both - server and client to peoples from the Microsoft to debug problem more deep and create patch in the future.
Or may be I have a wrong configuration. But in this case I will not have a possibility to upload / download / remove files at all.
One more thing. Some times some folders are disappear in a WebDAV drive but I can see it through RDP in a Server local files system.
Please help me with this because my work dependen on it and I don't want to use old FTP protocol.
P.S. I already configuread 4Gb files support by adding corresponding lines to the machine.config. And file I was try to sava not more than 2 Mbytes. It is a Sparx Entrprise Architect model file.
Thank you.