I have developed a native module which uses QuickTrace, as follows:
REQUEST_NOTIFICATION_STATUS CAuthenticationModule::OnAuthenticateRequest( IHttpContext* pHttpContext, IAuthenticationProvider* pProvider ) { IHttpTraceContext* pTraceContext = pHttpContext->GetTraceContext(); pTraceContext->QuickTrace( L"Test Data 1.", L"Test Data 2", S_OK, 4 ); return RQ_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE; }
I can debug the module and step through the QuickTrace line. I configured the site tracing in the web.config as follows:
<tracing><traceFailedRequests><remove path="*" /><add path="*"><traceAreas><add provider="WWW Server" areas="Authentication,Security,Module" verbosity="Information" /></traceAreas><failureDefinitions timeTaken="00:00:00" statusCodes="200-999" /></add></traceFailedRequests></tracing>
I checked the log files, but can't find any trace of my trace... Because I set the Level argument in the QuickTrace to 4 (info) I just don't get any info. I've enabled page tracing and nothing appears there either.
Any ideas??