I have a running 2003 server/iis6 with 4 WordPress sites running - it works great with pretty permalinks and all the bells and whistles as far as the WP installation goes. The server has about 2GB memory/1 single processor - so its not a high end server.
They only issue is that when the php-cgi.exe spawn to multiple processes like over 10-15 (maybe its 15-20 somewhat) it starts hanging even though the server load is very low. The cpu is between idle-ling to maybe 15-20 %.
I have tried to test with different values on the "maxinstances=" from auto dynamic throttle (0) to higher values - but it does not seem to do much difference. Best effect has been when I have set a lower value like 6-8. The server also uses a lot of page file (4-6 GB) instead of utilize the internal memory, even though there is at least 1 gigabyte or more memory free..
I'm stuck with iis6 for now until, so I cannot upgrade..
Any ideas what can be done to fix this?