I am currently trying to use the smooth streaming module with webmatrix. For now, I am simply uploading an already encoded video (its the elephants dream demo you can download). I am having issues.
i can directly GET the .ism/Manifest, and see an xml file in my browser. I can also connect to a remote .ism/Manfest file from a differnt place such as http://streams.smooth.vertigo.com/elephantsdream/Elephants_Dream_1024-h264-st-aac.ism/manifest
Now, as far as I can tell my .XAP player can connect to and play the remote .ism/manifest file. unfortunately I cannot connect to the localally stored material and stream it.
I have installed the SmoothStreaming module from the webmatrix platform installer, and also have added the .ISM and .ismc MIMEtypes (both as text/xml). I also clicked the application pool link that appears in the smooth streaming menu to configure it.
I suspect, since I can play the remote url, that the problem might be with my server configuration. I am running orchard on IIS (not IIS express).
I am open to any suggestions. I've had a very difficult time finding anything on the web. I did follow the deployment guide that is out there. If there is something I am overlooking in IIS, let me know.
Thank you again for any help you offer. I am really excited about the EBD smooth streaming module, and also the possibility of doing serverside encoding with expression encoder pro... I just need the thing to play for now though :) thank you.