I'm new to the IIS7 url rewriting, but I have used the urlrewriting.net one before, and migrating my rules was actually pretty straightforward (just a couple of search & replaces was fine).
However, a new rule I'm trying to implement seems to be causing issues. I'm not exactly what's causing it, but when I add this rule, I can't view anything on the website - in IE9 it simply says "loading..." and stays there for quite a while. Removing the rule solves the issue.
<rule name="VoyagerBasic" stopProcessing="true"><match url="^en/voyager-designer/(.*?)" /><action type="Rewrite" url="/robohelp/server?&area=en&mgr=agm&agt=wsm&wnd=Voyager Designer|Voyager&tpc=/robohelp/robo/server/en/projects/Voyager Designer/{R:1}?RINoLog28301=T&ctxid=&project=Voyager Designer" /></rule>
There's still some work to do with this rule (right now it`s just a catch-all) but I'd like to get this first iteration rolling in order to build upon aftewards.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.