I have followed instructions in a blog that showed how to setup self signed certs and client certs, I think it was really focused on enabling access to the default website. I was able to gain access to the default site from a remote computer, however, I cannot connect to the webDAV. It seems like I either need to do some configuring to the webdav as it seems that it has a separate set of authentication rules, or perhaps I need to add the client cert in an additional place on the client machine. I installed the client cert via Google Chrome, btw...
In the IIS7 Manager I can access the website, and if I add /mydocs to the end of thehttps://localhost I can see a file listing, I can do the same from the remote machine, I just cannot map a network drive nor can I use \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx@ssl\mydocs successfully.
Thanks in advance,