I have a web site with lots of aspx pages and I am using IIS 7 server.we just migrated the servers from old windows 2003 32 bit OS to new windows 2008 64 bit OS.I deployed this aspx files in IIS 7 on new server its working fine.when i come to the data i mean connection string .
We have a sniffer file which sits on one machine (desktop) daily my team member is used to run this sniffer file it checks fo rthe files and data and loads into a specific folder
So for that he just maps this sniffer file from his local desktop to the server either new or old
where i created my web site eg:v:\webs\Cons\test.aspx
so in that cons project i have a folder called database with ADF.mdb file
and my sniffer file connection string is
cnnDB = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=v:\database\ADF.mdb;") which he maps from his local desktop to old server 32 bit OS
Now i am using new server how can i use this provider on my new server 64 bit will it work if i keep as it is and just map this sniffer file to my new project location.
Note: We are decomminishing the old server windows 2003 32 bit OS soon.
Any help that could be appreciated!!