Hi All,
Im a novice student trying to complete a project. I am trying to give the user 2 simple options using a HTML formfor a background colour. That colour will then be implemented across 3 simple pages. I am using IIS and can ONLY use asp classic and html. I am close but doing something wrong and I cannot figure it out:
This is code from 2 pages (without the form page) that work. I have hard coded in the 'User option'.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styleCookieWorks1.asp">
response.write("Asp Project Sample")
My red green test
Response.Cookies("choice")("bgc") = "1" I have hardcoded the user choice in here
bgc = Request.Cookies("choice")("bgc")
if(bgc = "1") then
elseif (bgc = "2") then
end if
Now when I add in a form page that will take the place of me hardcoding the option in, it does not work. Why, I dont know?
StyleForm.htm (instead of hardcoding the option in)
<title>Style Form Page</title>
<form method="post" action="styleCookie2.asp">
<h4>Select the Background colour you would like.</h4>
<input type="radio" name="bGcol" value="1" /> : Red<br />
<input type="radio" name="bGcol" value="2"/> : Green<br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
styleCookie2.asp (asp page where the option selected from the form page is processed)
dim var
Response.Cookies("choice")("bgc") = var
bgc = Request.Cookies("choice")("bgc")
if(bgc = "1") then
elseif (bgc = "2") then
end if
<A HREF = "defaultSite.asp">Continue to default Site</A>
defaultSite.asp (this the first page of my website where the background choice should be implemented from thestyleCookie2.asp, but is not)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styleCookie2.asp">
response.write("Asp Project Sample")
Trevor red green test
I count myself as a novice at this so I would appreciate it if any advice is not too technical, ie dont assume I should know something :0)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Bubs