my goal is to have multiple web applications in one Windows Server 2012 with IIS 8 on one IP address.
For example:
- www.mydomain.com - main web app
- 80/http, 443/https
- tfs.mydomain.com - Team Foundation Server web
- 8080/http, 4430/https
It both run in different websites (www - 80/http, 443/https; tfs - 8080/http, 4430/https). I can access TFS in addresshttps://www.mydomain.com:4430/tfs/ without problems. Now i am trying to rewrite address tohttps://tfs.mydomain.com. My URL Rewrite rule looks like this:
<rule name="tfs" enabled="true" stopProcessing="true"><match url="(.*)" /><conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="false"><add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="ON" /><add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^tfs.mydomain.com$" /></conditions><action type="Rewrite" url="https://www.mydomain.com:4430/tfs/{R:1}" /></rule>
When I go to https://tfs.mydomain.com it prompts me to insert credentials (Windows Authentication). After submiting valid credentials it says: "502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.". If I switch it to Redirect instead ofRewrite it works fine.
I think it is somehow connected to Windows Authentication but I dont know how to fix it. Or am I doing something wrong at all - I am really begginer with this.