Ok so im incredibly new at server construction
I am using an HP Proliant Server
With Windows Server 2008 R2
I have my DNS up after much trouble in itself with establishing the zones.
When I go into IIS I have created an application pool with acess to a user instead of pass through (since pass through wouldn't work)
When I add my website who's domain name is pointed at my DNS everything in test settings works and when the website loads in browser it comes up empty. I even opened the firewall for port 80 I've tried just about everything and I do not know what I am missing.
Right now i have the application pool identity with the access When i add new site I test the settings and they are green then I enter my sitewww.mysite.com as the host and proceed.
I basically copied the entire index files and everything off our old host so the website it's self should be good but nothings working