Hi I need to make the url of a single page that is called Gallery.aspx on the root folder and can be accessed atwww.mysite.com/gallery.aspx and it takes a parameter image (dynamic) so it is actually as www.mysite.com/gallery.aspx?iamge=abc, so to make my URLs SEO friendly I want it to be seen aswww.mysite.com/abc. I have Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6. sorry to post it here but I couldn't find any forum for IIS 6.
First I tried UrlReWriting.NET then UrlReWriter.NET and then ASP.NET 4 Url Routing Features all of which work on my development machine that is Windows Server 2008 IIS 7 but fail on my production server that is Windows Server 2003 IIS 6. Please someone help me out, as I made the website functional in about 3 hours and I am now in my 4th day of helplessly trying to make the URLs SEO friedlier on my production server. :(
PS: Desperately need some help