I Have a Web Application which i want to deploy in multiple server. I would be tedious for me to go to each servers IIS and create a virtual directory and configure it manually. so please guide me if there is some deployment application with the help of which i can create a package something like .exe and just run in each server and it gets deployed automaticallym so that it could also be done by the one who doesn't know anything about .net and IIS.
There is an Application called Advanced Insatller with which we can create an .exe or .msi which can directly be run in all that server. but when we do that it keeps the same IP Address and Host Name which was given when .exe or .msi was created and all the virtual directory gets the same IP address and host name.
So please guide me there is some application which can allow us to deploy the same web application after creating a package and during deployment it should ask for the host name and IP address to set but not from the IIS interface.
Thanks & Regards
Rammohan Banda