I have configured my server to have web deploy backups turned on and enabled.
I am running
msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:package="config-management.zip",encryptPassword="password" -dest:auto,encryptPassword="password",computerName="localhost" -setParamFile:"parameters.xml"
This runs successfully (it deploys the files) but it reports the following
Info: Creating backup of existing site.
Warning: BACKUP_FAILED - Skipping backup because it failed due to an unknown reason. For more information, contact your server administrator.
The event viewer contains:
Error: The property 'password' located at '/appPoolConfig[@appPool=AppPoolName']/add[@name='AppPoolName']/processModel' is marked as secure. You must specify an encryption password to archive this property.
Error count: 1.
And no backup is made. I am supplying the correct encryption password in the sync command. Any ideas whats wrong please?