I’m unable to get Webmatrix 2 to install correctly on my laptop without it placing its directories “My Web Sites” and “IISExpress” on my network shared drive. After uninstalling IIS Express and Webmatrix, I had our network administrator remove the default H:\MyDocuments (i.e., network drive H:) from the Active Directory setting and return it to my local machine C:\%userprofile%\documents; however, during the reinstallation, Webmatrix installing itself back in the H:\MyDocuments location. I know this because I received an error “The location of the Document folder could not be determined. The application is unable to continue and will exit.” – then shuts down. Once I remapped the shared H: location, Webmatrix installed correctly but placed its directories once again on the shared drive. Now when I attempt to uninstall IIS Express, I receive and error “Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specific log file location exists and is writable.” Yet, the share is mapped and visible. Can someone please rescue me from this difficult challenge?