Hi Guys
I am working on some Automation tasks of my web application.
Is there any way through which i can Add/Append some ''customzed messages'' to the error messages already appeared/throw to my website. I want to achieve this through IIS.
''Pages Cannot be displayed'' is a simple message. There are multiple messages depend on error type appeared on my website that show Line number and etc .... to my website. I want to Append a Customzied message through IIS as:
My Message ''Pages Cannot be displayed''
Whenever My tool search My message keywork on website page , it knows itself that the error occured. Similarly ::
My Message ''Page a.asp is showing error on line number 52''
Can be done through same errror.
I have tried to explain my question here. Kindly let me know if i am missing any point.
Thanks in advance!!
Waseem Bukhari