We have a website completely in classic asp, where our client asked us to move on with SSL so went for thwate 123 256 SSl certificate.
Before the SSL was installed on the server, everything was working fine but just after the SSL we started encountering issue with file upload and in binary files.
The following is the error we get when we upload even a small excel file of 35KB "the page cannot be dispalyed Request entity too large"
Our server Config.
Windows 2008R2 with IIS7.5
DB type: MYSQL
Scripting used: Classic asp, ajax and jscript
We are using a completely dedicated server for the hosting purpose.
i have done almost all kinds of configs and 0 results everything that i got on the search i have applied. The error pops up suddenly
For the upload purpose i am using pure asp upload.
Your help and suggestion would be appreciated