I'm trying to publish from a site from "Server A" to "Server B" and the publish keeps overwriting the IP address of the destination site with an IP from the original site. I've tried a few suggestions that I have seen, but both overwrite the IP address. Below are the 2 options that I have tried. Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Option 1
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:apphostconfig="NAME OF SITE GOES HERE" -dest:apphostconfig="NAME OF SITE GOES HERE",computername="DESTINATION SERVER NAME" -skip:objectName=binding;skipAction=destination
Option 2
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:apphostconfig="NAME OF SITE GOES HERE" -dest:apphostconfig="NAME OF SITE GOES HERE",computername="DESTINATION SERVER NAME" -skip:objectname=metaProperty,keyAttribute="serverbindings"