I have a IIS website running behind a hardware based NLB - I have configured the website with SSL binding. However, the https URL (https://url1.contoso.com) does not work. Here is a list of diagnostic info that I gathered:
I can successfully browse non-SSL version of the website: http://url1.contoso.com
Here is the "Site Binding":
Type Host Name Port IP Address Binding
http url1.contoso.com 80 123.45.678.90
https 443 123.45.678.90
Certificate has the following "Subject Alternative Name":
DNS Name=server1.contoso.com
DNS Name=url1.contoso.com
DNS Name=url2.contoso.com
(Note that ur2.contoso.com is another web application running on a different IP address on the same server.)
Firewall is turned off.
C:\Windows\system32>netstat -aon | find ":443 "
TCP 0:0:0:0:443 0:0:0:0:0 LISTENING 4
TCP [::]:443 [::]:0 LISTENING 4
I used netmon to capture the traffic and noticed I only see the client sending SSL request, but the server is not responding to the SSL conenction request:
Process Name Source Destination Protocol Name Description
567.89.123.456 123.45.678.90 SSL SSL:SSLv2RecordLayer, ClientHello (0x01)
567.89.123.456 123.45.678.90 SSL SSL:SSLv2RecordLayer, ClientHello (0x01)
567.89.123.456 123.45.678.90 SSL SSL:SSLv2RecordLayer, ClientHello (0x01)
567.89.123.456 123.45.678.90 SSL SSL:SSLv2RecordLayer, ClientHello (0x01)
567.89.123.456 123.45.678.90 SSL SSL:SSLv2RecordLayer, ClientHello (0x01)
However, I have ANOTHER server running the exact same web applications and for that https is working fine. On that server I captured the following traffics when the website was browsed athttps://url2.contoso.com:
Process Name Source Destination Protocol Name Description
567.89.123.456 123.45.678.91 SSL SSL:SSLv2RecordLayer, ClientHello (0x01)
123.45.678.91 567.89.123.456 SSL SSL:SSLv3 Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Server Hello. Certificate.
I also compared the 2 servers - they look exactly the same. Any insight on what's going on and what to try next. Btw, I am running Windows Server 2008 R2.
Any help would be highly appreciated!