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Client Requests for WCF service stays in IIS Worker Process

<div class="votingouterbox"> <div class="voting">Hi,</div> </div> <div class="messageContent"> <div class="container"> <div class="body">

I have two wcf services. Service A calls Service B. If there is any exception in service B while processing the request, then the request to the service B stays in the worker process current requests queue. The status of the request is AuthenticateRequest. Thus over a period of time, there are too many active requests in worker process (around 150). At this time, no new request go to service B and any caller gets operation time out error.

Recycling Application Pool is quick solution but it requires daily monitoring of worker process.

Is there any way to find the root cause for these requests (in AuthenticateRequest state) and to make worker process automatically release requests thus making enough space to process fresh requests?



</div> </div> </div>

Using SEO Toolkit 1.0 and trying to create sitemap however


When I click on the checkbox to add the directories to my sitemap request I only get to select the directory.  If I want to select the pages underneath each directory I have to select those individually.  Shouldn't those be automatically selected when I choose the higher up directory level checkbox?



I am trying to integrate SOAP into a classic ASP website in VBScript, found numerous examples online and have viewed this one here consuming SOAP web services in classic ASP

The XML needs sending to a service at https://www.cartell.ie/secure/xml/findvehicle to invoke a service named XML_Cartell. The application needs to generate a http GET or Soap XML Post request identical to below. It says username and password credentials should be inserted into the HTTP header as per the http basic Authentication protocol. e.g. Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVIHNl2FtZQ==.

I am currently receiving the error msxml3.dll error '80070005' Access is denied.

My current code is

<%Set oXmlHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

oXmlHTTP.Open "POST", "https://www.cartell.ie/secure/xml/findvehicle", False 

oXmlHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8" 
oXmlHTTP.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", "https://www.cartell.ie/secure/xml/findvehicle"
oXmlHTTP.setRequestHeader "Authorisation", "QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVIHNl2FtZQ=="

SOAPRequest = _
  "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" &_"<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"">" &_"<soap:Body>" &_"<FindByRegistration>" &_"<registration>96D29782</registration>" &_"<servicename>XML_Cartell</servicename>" &_"</FindByRegistration>" &_"</soap:Body>" &_"</soap:Envelope>" &_

   oXmlHTTP.send & SOAPRequest %><%Set xmlResp = oXmlHTTP.responseXML%><%    Set nodes = xmlResp.getElementsByTagName("Model") %><ul><%    For Each node in nodes    %> <li><%=node.text%></li><%    Next    %></ul>

The Request message posted should be like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"><soap:Body><FindByRegistration><registration>96D29782</registration><servicename>XML_Cartell</servicename></FindByRegistration></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

The Response Message should be something like this.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"><soap:Body><FindByRegistration><Vehicle><Registration>96d29782</Registration><Make>OPEL</Make><Model>OMEGA</Model><Description>CD 2.0</Description><BodyType>SALOON</BodyType><FirstRegistrationDate>1996-05-20</FirstRegistrationDate><FuelType>PETROL</FuelType><EngineCapacity>1998</EngineCapacity><Transmission>Manual</Transmission><Power>136BHP</Power></Vehicle></FindByRegistration></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>


unable to get sample logging client to work

Windows media server 0xc00d138d error code



I am getting the following error code when I play a stream from windows media player to the windows media server.

What does 138d error code correspond to?

I could not find any answers here


How to resolve this error?

Serving video file for 50 users simultaneoulsy



We need to support video streaming for 50 users simultaneously with out delay. The client uses HTML5 video tag to render the video.

Have hosted the video in iis under virtual directory, added the mime type video/mp4.

am able to render the video using follwing ur    http://localhost/Videos/MyPhone2.mp4

however am facing the concurrency issue with this. video streaming is not working if i want to render the video simultaneously from two separate windows of chrome browse. the same applied for new tab as well. if the video is streaming one window then second window is waiting till the first window completes the rendering.

Can anybody tell us what is the issue? how can i resolve this? should i increase the throttling? if yes then how to do this?

Thanks& Regards


Server variables across reverse proxy


I am trying to hide multiple folders within URL and for this I need to have access to the original URL which I am able to get. My problem is I am also using reverse proxy and the first rule is a redirect to the proxy server which is running on a different port. Once the request is redirected the server variable that I have created is empty and does not contain the original requested URL but the redirected one.

Is there any way I can get the requested URL after the redirect across the reverse proxy?


Application pool stops 503 service unavailable


Hi Folks

I migrated a website from IIS6 to IIS 7.5.

I turned on the 32-bit application to true in the Application Pool.

After few seconds the application pool stops responding: Service Unavailable. HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

When looking at the Event Viewer, I see the following error:The Module DLL 'C:\Inetpub\CSPGateway\CSPms.dll' could not be loaded due to a configuration problem. The current configuration only supports loading images built for a x86 processor architecture. The data field contains the error number. To learn more about this issue, including how to troubleshooting this kind of processor architecture mismatch error, seehttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=29349.


The file CSPms.dll exists in this location. This DLL is used for another website I guess.

Can I turn it off for this particular website? Or do you guys have another solution?

I read also this thread: http://forums.iis.net/t/1149768.aspx?500+19+Error+When+Enabling+32+bit+Application+Pool

Thx in advance.



IIS 500 error


Hi, when I go to http://myurl.pw

I end up getting a 500.0 internal server error "this page cannot be seen because of an internal server error"

I'm not sure why this is, I've tried literally everything to sort this issue. 



IP based access vs Domain name based access?


This is a general question in my mind not related to any IIS version.

When we access any site with particular site IP  or through domain, what is the difference between the two access.

Is any difference between the two access (IP based access vs Domain name based access). If yes please explain ?

What type of session established above the two....


debug VB com


Hi i am very new to classic asp.

Legacy project which got lots of vb com objects now I wanted to set my environment to dubug the vb code using the asp application where it been used.

I would really appreciate if someone could should step by step how to get the environment set.

What I have got

VB Code base and the dll
Asp project (localhost)
Example asp vb call

<%	Option Explicit %><%
	Dim oCustomer : Set oCustomer = Session("NORDCustomer")
	Dim i

    Session("ReEntry") = "True"

	oCustomer.CommonServiceLayerSessionID = Request.Cookies("Next")("ID")
	oCustomer.VisitorID = Request.Cookies("NextVisitor")("ID")

    if oCustomer.CommonServiceLayerSessionID <> "" then
        'Update existing CSL session
        Set oCustomer = oCustomer.DeserialiseSession(oCustomer.VisitorID, oCustomer.CommonServiceLayerSessionID)


Access test site on Windows 8.1 machine from another PC.

I currently have a web app that I have been developing on my windows 8.1 computer at home. It is currently setup in IIS pointing to the path of the site. In my computers host file I put: dev.test app.com
I am able to access the site with no problem while developing.

My question:
From another machine can I add this to their hosts file:
Assuming is the IP of my Dev machine with the site dev.test.app.com

Will this work? Is there any security settings on the PC that has the site that I should take into account? Or will it not work without a live dns? Only reason I assume this might work is because you can RDP to someone else's computer.

DNS Alias (I think)



Firstly, I apologise now for two reasons: 1) I'm not 100% sure what I need to use in order to achieve what I want to.

& 2) Because of this, the title, and location of this post may be totally wrong (Hell, I might even be in the wrong forum).

Anyway - this is purely for personal use, so it's not imperative that I get this sorted, but it would be nice.

Basically - I have my home server setup with DNS running, and I can see it using the A record "jupiter.local" and that's all fine.

However, I also have two other services running: uTorrent & Plex, which I can access using the above, and appending the appropriate port numbers and such. But it's kind of annoying having to type out ":8080/gui" & ":32400/web/index.html" everytime.

So I thought, having DNS & IIS running - Is there a way I can set something up that will let me use "plex.jupiter.local" or "jupiter.local/plex" instead of typing long urls all the time? 

I have tried messing with all sorts of DNS records and I can't quite figure it out. 

Thankyou :)

Re: PHP 5.6


Hey, Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but is there a way to use PHP 5.6 in WebMatrix 3? I installed it already in the Microsoft Web Platform installer for Windows and IIS Express. And it's installed on my machine under "C:\Program Files(x86)" but I was curious if I could get WebMatrix to see it, because it only sees 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 right now.

IIS memory is not coming down


Dear Gurus,

I have Windows 2008 R2 64 Bit.

Running three IIS directories.

Total Memory is 16 GB.
01 IIS is taking 1.4 GB Memory
02 IIS is taking 2.4 GB Memory
03 IIS is taking 400 MB  Memory

Over all Memory CONSUMPTION is 13.5 GB.

My query is IIS is taking around (4.5 GB Approx) where the rest of the Memory is going.

Please see screenshot.

Malik Adeel Imtiaz

Windows Activation Service and World Wide Web Publishing Service not running


I've just upgraded in-Place a 2008 R2 IIS server to 2012 R2, and after the Upgrade, the upgraded server has some issues With IIS.

The website will not start, and I get these errors:

first trying to start IIS from the management console:

Cannot start service W3SVC on computer '.'.

Then I try to start the site, and I get this error Message:

Websites cannot be started unless both the Windows Activation Service (WAS) and the World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) are running, Both services are currently stopped

When i browse to these two in Services.msc and try a manual start, I get these errors:

On the WAS service: Windows could not start the Windows Process Activation Service service on Local Computer. Error 50: The request is not supported

On the World Wide Web Publishing Service: Windows could not start the World Wide Web Publishing Service service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependency service or Group failed to start

In the System eventlog i get these error events:

5211: The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) started with 'Classic' mode using 'ConfigurationSystem'

5172: The Windows Process Activation Service encountered an error trying to read configuration data from file '\\?\C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config', line number '941'.  The error message is: 'The configuration section 'system.web' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration'.  The data field contains the error number.

5036: The configuration manager for Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not initialize. The data field contains the error number.

5005: Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) is stopping because it encountered an error. The data field contains the error number.

I replaced the applicationHost.config file in the C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\configwith the old one from C:\Windows.old\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\config, but this did not help.

What should I do next?

IIS Maximum Bandwidth setting only limit on download?


Does anyone know this restriction control only limit on download or both upload and download?

IIS 8.5 getting %100 CPU due to 404 & 500 Errors


Hi All,

We have our API site written on ASP.NET + MVC and deployed on IIS 7.5 (2008 R2) - working fine!

We have bought 2 new servers (Physical, 24 Threads each, lots of memory, very powerful) and we wanted to migrate those sites to them (They have Server 2012 R2).

While the 2 old servers have around %10 CPU usage at most, when adding the new servers to the pool they reach %100 CPU constantly.

We know that we have a problem in the code that often responds with 404 or 500 and we are working on fixing it - But I still need to know why it's happening on IIS 8.5 and not on IIS 7.5 as it's a very problematic issue.

Any ideas? I've tried it all.

Both servers are installed using default settings, no custom error pages, occours even with 1 worker, affinity limitations, etc.

And I don't have any cpu limitations nor I want to configure - I just want him to behave normally..

Thanks ahead!

Exchange OWA with SSL works, other SSL site doesn't


I have a pretty common (I think) scenario.

I successfully got ARR redirecting requests for OWA via SSL. I had to install the UCC certificate on the IIS server and I set the bindings on Default Web Site for port 443 to the UCC cert. I had to setup ARR with a separate server farm for the Exchange server.

I have a website up and running on another internal server, and I have ARR setup to correctly route port 80 to it.
Now I need to have it SSL enabled. 

What are the steps?
Do I need to create another website in IIS on the ARR server? If so, what about ARR?
Or do I have to have the website use another port for SSL and then just setup another binding in IIS on the ARR server?

Site web

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